Yesterday marked my first full week of work in my chosen vocation...in a new town. Things went well but today was the exciting day: Moving Day! Strangely, it always surprises me how much random stuff I still have left to pack when it's time to load the truck, but thanks to M and his dad the actual loading and unloading was pretty darn painless.
Moving sucks. There really isn't any other way to state it. Packing, trying to make sure things are organized and nothing breaks in the process. Ensuring boxes aren't too heavy, but are still full enough that things don't shift (too much) inside. It's a hassle and I can't wait until I have settled in enough in life not to have to move again. But unpacking, now that's something I can get into.
I love unpacking. Putting things away and watching the stack of boxes dwindle down to some scrapes of paper. Picking just the right drawer for the measuring cups, and filling up the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Plus, there is rarely a time that the apartment will ever be quite as clean as the moment the last box is unpacked and put in the recycling. It really is a cool thing, at least it is at this point in my life when my possessions will probably be completely unpacked by the end of the weekend.
Then there is the exploring. How can it not be fund to discover the secrets of a new place? Maybe this is why I move so much. I love new places, but you never get to know a location and it's people until you live there. Hm...food for thought.
As an added bonus, I went from a studio apartment to having a spare room. Finally a home for all my yarn, sewing and office stuff. My living room can be solely for relaxing and watching movies without all the clutter that comes with storing my stash of unfinished projects.
Things are finally starting to fall into place.