Sunday, September 14, 2008


so this blog is evolving from a knitting blog into a - craft/shopping blog. And even there I'm failing to up-date as often as I'd like. But heck, I don't think I'm disappointing my vast readership, so all must be well. After all, you can't lose reader you don't actually have....Anyway, today I got the idea in my head that I need to purchase a pearl necklace. The only problem is that I don't know anything about pearls other than the cultured black pearls are way more expensive, and way out of my price range.

This may sound strange, and don't take it as anything more than the tired ramblings of a law student who works too many hours, but my first thought was pearls would be a great gift to a bridesmaid. No, I'm not getting married (at least that I know of) but I just love the idea of pearls as a gift. They are jewelry that last so long, and can be passed down to your children. In fact, I think they are almost the ideal thing to pass onto a daughter. According to a friend of mine, pearls retain the scent of a person who wears them regularly. I'm not sure if I believe that, but it just sounds so sweet.

Do people our age still wear pearls? If you were to receive them as a gift would you wear them?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Let's Get Crafty

School started last week, I moved the week before, and this week I start a new job. It's a busy month. I've only knit a few inches on my Something Red cardigan. I whipped up a couple of dish cloths, because apparently mine have decided to hide during the great migration(s) of 2008. This is my second move in 6 months so many things have wandered to places unknown. The iron, can opener, and the cord to my Mp3 player are all on the MIA list. Heck, I may have "downsized" them when I left my last place. Ah well, things only take up space in my new studio apartment.

While I haven't been knitting I was rather crafty. One of the items that was downsized was my dresser. Actually, due to a broken drawer and weight it was deemed unworthy, not big enough, and just plain ugly. Really, what do you expect for $13 from Goodwill, and hey 2 years of use for $13 isn't too bad. Anyway, a new dresser was purchased, this time from St. Vincent de Paul and since M has a vehicle that will hold more than my lil car, I was able to upgrade to a tall dresser.

Of course the plain wood stain, along with scratches, water stains etc, were not for me. I spent my Labor Day weekend sanding and painting to my heart's content. It is now a fun shade of dark blue (trim) with white panels and drawers.

Pictures to come when M arrives with said dressser. I'm stoked to finally have my clothing not in complete disarray. it makes keeping the place clean much harder.